Hello everyone! It's hard to believe that we are into October already. The weather is slowly turning cooler with a nip in the morning air, and sunny beautiful days. We have uncovered the patio furniture, spruced up the yard, and started planning what to plant in the way of flowers. I hope to enjoy many hours stitching outside. Like my title says, I have snippets to show. I have many things in progress. Most of my focus has centered around charting lately. Mary Ann Ibbotson is about 1/2 way done. I appreciate the emails of encouragement and enthusiasm for her. I especially get a kick out of a certain couple of gals who make me laugh with their tag teaming me. I had to step away from her for a bit. I was getting frustrated, so I tackled three others. One has TWO red houses, and is really spectacularly pretty. We got away for a long weekend last week in the RV, and maybe it was the mountain air or smell of pines, because I got a lot done. In between that, I get a little more accomplished on things like this:

Ellennor Whitehouse is from the latest SANQ. The antique belongs to Vickie of Needle Work Press, and is on display at the Attic. I'm using the 50 something count in Meadow Rue and Tudor Silks. It's a bit of a challenge, but I love the look and size. My eyes do get tired, but I will feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish it. The motifs I love doing, it's the lettering that gets to me, but I feel that way with any count. The Tudor Silks are wonderful.
This is Charlotte Clayton. Oh, how I love this sampler! Mine is on 45ct. Buttercream. The folk artiness of it just screams "stitch me!". I don't have much free time to stitch for myself these days, so I'm slowly working my way through those must stitch samplers on my list.
Lastly, here is my start on an upcoming release. I can here the hissing about the black linen from here, but I am using 36ct. As I was charting her, and choosing colors, I kept thinking how the colors would "pop' on a darker color. It is such a primitive sampler with fun motifs. The antique is dated 1802, and I would guess that Ann was a very young girl when she stitched it. She chose bright colors and quirky motifs, but the simple verse,
Love God And Hate Sin is profound nonetheless.
Until next time...