for a little decorating around the house. I'm going to apologize in advance for showing similar photos from year to year, but I pretty much stick with the same thing. Plus, I know that some of you might be new visitors, so maybe you will enjoy them. The rest of you...just bear with me, okay?
Our home is small, so I try to keep it fairly simple. My attempt at creating a colonial feel here in the desert. Sprigs of greenery tucked here and there.
I found this driftwood Santa in Iowa. He looks like he has a really bad back ache. I have a thing for skinny Santa's. No roly poly guys need apply.
More greenery amongst some red ware.
These gentlemen are definite repeats. I know I show my collection of Eldreth Pottery Santas every year, but I only get to display them for such a short time. Hey, there's a chubby Santa in the front did he get in there?
One of my favorite Christmas stitches, Blessings be Thine from Blackbird Designs. I'm almost tempted to leave it out all year. You know that weakness I have for canning jars. I can't take credit for putting this together. Another Iowa find, and it was in my arms in a split second.
These primitive stars are just the thing for my kitchen counter.
What few snowmen I have seem to end up in the guest bath.
This is a new display for me. Several of you inspired me to fill a dough bowl with some smalls. It's a start. The sweet little oval box with the silhouette was a gift from a dear friend who knows me well.
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. May your holiday be filled with comfort and joy.