Ann Wragg
40ct Lakeside's Meadow Rue
What's a person to do when the temps are nearing 100 degrees? I think the answer is to stay inside where it's cool and frame these. It is summer all of a sudden. Spring is just a memory now. I've heard that it's supposed to be anywhere between 108 and 112 this coming weekend. I'm not ready for that.S&ANQ Summer 2010
45ct vintage Lentil from Lakeside
Belle Soie

I love love love this frame. I'm not sure if it will be visible, but the filigree part has bits of red showing through. I thought it was too perfect for Isabella, and I ordered it before I even finished stitching her. I've put a few stitches into Country Life, but very few. I wished someone would have warned me about the border on that one. That will be a long term process. It's okay though, the hibernation for the next 3-4 months has begun here in AZ.
Goodness I love both of your finishes! Lovely frames indeed. Where do you order them from? Sounds like your weather is getting to the unbearable stage. My inlaws are moving down there after the summer heat. I'm not sure my MIL is prepared for the hot temps!
Have a great week, and thanks for sharing.
Take Care.
Your samplers are gorgeous and I love the frames you've chosen for both. I wish I could see those bits of red in the frame. I adore using frames that have bits of color to draw out the color in the stitched piece.
Oh good grief... do the temps stay above 100 for the entire summer?
I don't like extremely cold weather nor extremely hot weather... unfortunately we get both kinds in my little corner of Iowa.
Oh my goodness! Both are beautiful! But you're so right -- I love that frame for Isabella! Whoa!
I guess the summer heat has started everywhere, huh? Bummer.
Your pieces are beautiful...have to say Isabella is my favorite! Stay cool and happy stitching!
I echo the question of where you order your frames from--so pretty and appropriate for both projects. Hibernation in that kind of heat sounds excellent. Also a gin and tonic. Or lemonade.
Hi Tanya, well what can I say. Both pieces look wonderful. The frames are perfect for them.
It is funny, it is usually the other way around, you do the samplers that I want to do first lol. I am sure that when you get to Sophia you will enjoy working on her.
I could send you some of my weather if you like but unfortunately it is just cold, wet and misty. But it is good for sitting and stitching by the fire. - Sandra.
Wow, both pieces are just gorgeous, Tanya! I particularly love the frame on Isabella, so pretty!
Enjoy your 'hibernation'!
Love, love your finishes! Both the frames are just perfect for both of those samplers, but I think I like the second one the most!! Sounds like you've got some really warm weather down there. I'm wondering if it's just going to be that kind of year. We're unseasonable warm up here too. Anyway, I can't think of a better thing to do but hole up and frame or stitch!!
Drool, drool, drool! Stunning framed finish...I'll take that any day, but you can keep those sizzling temps, lol!!!
The frames are so gorgeous! And so are the finishes. :) I was living in Phoenix when I was pregnant with my daughter, and I had the pleasure of enduring all the summer months gestating and feeling like I was burning up from the inside out! Just the trip to the mailbox everyday was too much for me. blah! Stay cool!
The samplers and frames are all perfection personified! Glorious! The temps you're talking about sound absolutely horrific! We get some heat here in the midwest but thankfully, nothing that extreme very often.
Keep cool.....
They are both gorgeous and the frames are perfect!!! Love them :-). Congrats on the finishes.
Love your framed pieces Tanya. They both look super. ; )
They are just beautiful. And the frames are lovely too. As for the heat...good luck to you.
Lovely frame choices, Tanya!! They are both gorgeous, I especially love the first sampler, but the frame on the second is my favorite! They both do a wonderful job of showcasing your works.
The heat is destined to be horrific this year, if the temps are any indication thus far. The humidity is enough to drive one indoors. Really hard to get my evening walks in, since it is dark, before it cools down much at all! Oh well, can't do much about it!
Beautiful! Both pieces are wonderful and I love the frames you picked out for them. Sounds like your weather is much like ours. I am already staying inside alot more to keep away from the heat and humidity.
112 degrees! Definitely time to hibernate.
I love both your frames, Tanya. I think I like Isabella especially ... the frame is perfect for her. It's always so fun to see what you do!
I think your finish is fabulous...and you're right, that frame is perfect. Where did you order it from? I don't like the heat, but humidity is what pushes me over the edge....give me Michigan snow anytime :)
Tsnys: So many are asking where do you order your frames? I want to know, do you block and frame the samplers yourself? If you do, you should go into the business. I have waited up to 8 weeks for framing and you seem to be able to photo yours as soon as they are completed.
Your Ann Wragg is gorgeous as is your Is your Isabella. Thanks for sharing.
Ann Wragg looks so beautiful, and Good LORD how I love Isabella Johnstone! I am definitely going to have to get that issue of the mag, b/c this is a must stitch piece.
Your frames are beautiful, Tanya!!
Oh! And I gave in to the temptation you & Terri gave me... I orderd myself a sterling charm vbracelet and a few charms from Amazon. Can't wait to get it!!
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful finishes! I have Isabella on my list now - that cow is too cute. I don't think I have ever stitched a cow before! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work!
what more can be said of the framed samplers Tanya - they are lovely - beautiful frame choices and I am so impressed you are able to do your own framing. I know what you mean about sweltering summer heat - it's on down here in NE FL too - we've been in the 90's every day for a couple of weeks now but it's the staggering humidity that kills us in this area. I know I've sure been stitching more than usual so thatis a good thing! Cheers Mel
They both look gorgeous, great framing
Your stitching and framing are BEAUTIFUL. I love both of the pieces and your frame selections are just over the top!! Thanks so much for sharing. You are an inspiration for sure!!
Both are beautiful Tanya! Enjoy your hibernation! :)
WOW. Oh my gosh, Tanya, they are both fantastic! As always, you chose the perfect frames for them both. Beautiful!
I love, love, love Isabella. I used to collect cows and am still partial to them. This is on my to do list and I LOVE yours. The frames are perfect.
Ho !! I have been visiting your blog for a nice moment and how many treasures I could see in it.
Oh My God, Tanya, your both framed samplers are fantastic! You chose the perfect frames for them both. I love them .
Have a nice Sunday , not too hot :-))
Hi Tanya, it's Sandra from Sampler Lover's Blog I am having problems with Blogger. I just wanted to let you know that I think I know what could be the problem with your Harriet Burry Sampler.
I have been doing it off and on for a little while and I started in the middle with the house. I am up to putting the windows in and I am doing them in satin stitch and I also had the problem that you had with doing your windows in cross stitch.
The problem with this sampler is that the chart is wrong on the ground floor. The 2 windows on the right side of the front door are different sizes and if you look at the chart where these 2 windows are the building that divides these 2 windows doesn't line up with the 2nd and 3rd stories. I had to undo this little bit which thankfully isn't a problem and move it over one stitch and it fixes everything up.
If you do this with your Harriet it should allow you to continue working your windows in cross stitch as each pane is 3 stitches by 3 stitches except for the top 2 panes of window A's which are 3 x 2. Hope this helps you with this lovely sampler - Sandra.
Oh, my! What fabulous samplers and wonderful frames for them, Tanya! You have an eye for framing. I especially love the one with black and red undertones.
Know what you mean about the 100 degree temps. We have them here, but they play off with afternoon showers and poolside dips for me. I love to sleep during the day and stay up all night....LOL
I am in love with Isabella Johnstone! The cow rocks! I have got to start subscribing to SANQ again.
Your needles must be smoking with the progress on Country Life. Wow! Didn't you just start this?
The frames for both pieces are perfect!! Love them. Isabella is really stunning.
bonjour , je suis arrivée chez vous par hasard et votre blog est sympa, vos creations sont tres jolies, et j'aime voir et appréciée le travail des autres , même si je ne fais pas du tout la même chose que vous! vos créas sont minutieuses et tres belles en tout cas, si cela vous dit passez me faire un petit coucou et laissez moi un com , cela fait toujours plaisir!
amicalement frifri
Both are stunning!
I love them both !! I do like the frames too... It is so nice to see the things we stitch all finished and frame, isn't it?
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