We have had cold, rain, and snow in AZ for the last few days. It has reeked total havoc on my sinus's. Nothing like waking up with a migraine. While I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday because I felt crummy, I decided to do my part in stimulating the economy. Can you say stash enhancement? It's all Nicole's fault. She sent me a link to an album chock full of fabulous samplers. That was all it took. I jumped on The Scarlet Letter and Em-Li's and found about 10 or 11 that I can't live without. I still find that I like a lot of the old stuff the best, especially the prices. You gotta love a six dollar chart. I'll do a post when they all get here so you can see what I got. Today, I finally felt like painting. These are going up on Etsy tonight.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday this and that...
Unfortunately, I've little stitching progress to show. I'm not ready to admit that the 45ct. is kicking my behind, however, it's more difficult than I expected. It's like stitching over one. You just can't go very fast. One little bit seems like it takes hours to do. I hate the green than is called for in the bottom half. I started outlining with it , but it has to go. It looks nothing like the chart picture. What is up with that? The last three designs that I've done have been the same way. Geesh! Anyway, here she be. I love those little sheepies.

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I agree about preferring the older charts in a lot of cases. It seems to me (after checking the latest Nashville things) that there are an awful lot of designers sort of slapping stuff down and calling it done. I looked closely at the picture of Plantation, and notice that the trees and fence have a blue-y cast, at least on my monitor, and the green is green-y green. Odd combination, but I don't dislike it really. Love the new needle case/rulers, and I will warm up my paypal and etsy accounts in the a.m. assuming there's anything left, since I park my passwords at work, hidden away.
I like this sampler a lot. Especially the shape of the trees. I like a lot of the older designs as well, but to be honest, I just recently discovered this type of samplers so everything seems to be pretty new to me.
Lovely new sets you painted.
I love the colors of the tree, and of course the sheep!!!
Shopping therapy is always the best cure for me when I am feeling down~ I have to admit I can't do it too often though, cause every time I shop for stash I always have a hard time stopping myself to get everything I see......
Your new ruler sets are sooo cute~~~
It might be a PITA to stitch on the 45 ct, but the result is gorgeous!! You've stitched a lot, too.
I can't wait to see what samplers you bought! I am also anxious to hear what you thought of buying from Em-lis. I know that there were some health issues and so orders weren't being filled, but I heard since that a new person was filling the orders. I could buy just about everything in their shop.
Your new rulers & needle cases are wonderful! YGG!
I love your new needle cases and rulers.You do such neat work..I also like a lot of the older charts more than some of the new stuff coming out..Your off to a great start on your sampler..Am anxious to see what samplers you bought.Connie
I love your new painted sets! Em-Li's is extremely close to me! Unfortunately she only does online ordering and no long has a shop or I would be there every day! I have to agree with you about older charts!
You are making great progress Tanya! It's really looking beautiful and the 45 ct. makes it look so delicate. Can't wait to see your new stash (I had to return the favor because you have enabled me lots lately)! :) Your new sets are so pretty too!
I think the tree looks wonderful.If I don't like the colour it calls for I just change it to something I like.
great painting,love the colour blue on the house
Your new rulers and needlecases are gorgeous. And I adore your stitching! I've never stitched on 45ct. linen. One of the reasons for this is: it is hard to find :) Would you mind sharing the link to this album packed with samplers? I'd love to see that.
What a beautiful start .. I love the willow tree.
Your new ruler sets are beautiful!
Have a great weekend.
Love how the sampler is looking so far!
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