Here is a little sample of Wednesday's progress. The lawn area, willow tree, and courting couple are complete. It's hard to tell from the picture, but the lady's dress is really bright fuchsia. Not a color that I'm used to working with, as many samplers favor such drab colors. I have to say that I like it though, it's a nice contrast to all of the green. I've started the bottom border, which we all know I hate doing borders. It's the repetition of repeating the same design that bores me. I love the way borders frame the design though, and I always feel such satisfaction when I'm finished.
Okay, Glenna, since you've asked to see it, this post is for you. It seemed like the house took forever to finish, but it is the main focus of the design. Now I'm on to my favorite part of adding the plants, wee folk, and critters. As with all The Sampler Company's designs, this one is pure joy to stitch. I like everything designed by Brenda Keyes. I wonder if she has a fan club? Maybe I'll start one and nominate myself for president. I'm using a combination of NPI silks and HDF's. The fabric I've chosen is 40ct. vintage Meadow Rue by Lakeside Linens
Hi, I'm Tanya. Our home is shared with three Bostons named Rhubarb, Scarlett, and Henry. It's never a dull moment with 12 little paws underfoot. I am passionate about stitching samplers, and I love sharing that passion with like-minded people. I also enjoy antiquing and decorating our house with my finds.