Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer has arrived

***Okay, I have to edit this post.  My husband read it, and called me the biggest dork ever.  It seems that I incorrectly stated that planes couldn't take off on the day it reached 122 degrees because of soft asphalt.  This is not true.  First, the runways are concrete and there was concern that the planes couldn't get enough lift because of the heat.  He should know.  He was at the airport that day.  I stand corrected, and I feel like a dork.  I could have sworn I heard it the other way. 

The calendar says that the beginning of summer is still six days away.  I'd have to disagree...I think it's here.  It reached 122 on June 26, 1990.  I remember it.  The planes couldn't take off from the airport because the asphalt on the runways was too soft.  That day wasn't fit for man nor beast.  We do get used to the heat though, and it's still 15 degrees away from that temp.  The funny thing is that as I type this, I have socks on because my feet are cold.  I hate the evil, but necessary air conditioning

Here's how the squatters spend their afternoons when it's hot outside.  They get their ball chasing out of the way early in the morning when it's cool. 

Ruby doesn't look too thrilled to be woken up.  I think she's giving me the eye!

Someone forgot to tell Henry that it's 107 outside.  He's like me, and gets cold easily. 

Scarlett can curl up and be happy anywhere, but this is her favorite spot. 

One thing I can say about summers in Arizona, I get a lot of stitching done.  This chart from With Humble Heart is called Do Unto Others.  It's been a long time resident in my chart stash.  I was fortunate to see this design stitched over one on 40ct at the Attic.  It was solidly stitched and beyond amazing.  I'm doing my version over two on 40ct.  I love the red alphabet, and while I usually start at the bottom, I couldn't resist going there first. 

It might be awhile before you see this completed.  I wish I could show you what I'm really stitching.  I have finished a third design called Maddie Button.  The stitching is done, but the finishing is not.  I hope to show you very soon.  Remember my antique sampler, Sarah Elizabeth Brooke?   Her chart is finished, and I'm stitching the model.  I think she's going to be worth the wait.  I have given much thought about whether to take liberties with Sarah, or do my best to make it a true reproduction.  My personal opinion is that it can be difficult to chart the many mistakes these young girls made.  It must have been extremely hard to count their stitches with the poor lighting they had.  While I did my best to keep Sarah as close to the original,  her borders will match up and some of the motifs will be tidied up.  What is your opinion?  Are you a sampler purist?
I have say thank you for the wonderful response and comments about my first two designs.  You never know what to expect when you create something and put it out there.  I appreciate the encouragement.


marly said...

Those babes are so sweet! Do Unto Others will be a treat to follow. Anxious to see the new sampler. I can't answer your question about the reproduction. I like a few errors here and there, but not a wonky looking border. But if the border is perfectly aligned, I have no room for an error!! Six of one, half dozen of another. OOh. Donuts.

gracie said...

The last time I checke d our AZ temp, it was 109 and that was earlier today. Inside---air on---stitching in hand!

Anonymous said...

O, what sweet babies you have!! We have a Boston named Stoley; our female, Molly, passed away a year ago on July 12th. They are the best dogs...and always dressed for special occassions!!

Love your new start and your new design from your last post...I'll be watching for the reproduction finish too, sounds beautiful.

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I want to start off by saying I love your 2 Designs!! I will have to get these ordered. The pups know how to keep cool! I did not like that temp gauge of yours!!! HOTT!! lol It has been hot and dry here in Alabama too. Not that hot but with humity it is rough! I am stitching too. I stitch for Brenda at With Thy Needle & Thread Designs. I am working on her newest design!!! Your designs are great.. I like reproduction samplers as they are stitched. Makes a great piece to look at and wonder if they knew they messed up.. lol Stay Cool !!!

Deb said...

I'm a sampler purist until I have to stitch it, then all the mistakes just drive me up a wall. I can't wait to see the design.

And I just love the one that you're stitching. I've had that one in my stash for ages (and a couple others of hers) and all that solid stitching scared me! I can't wait to see more of yours.

And 107 - UGH - I think that would wipe me out but I run around in socks in the summer too. My feel always get cold.

Margaret said...

Your babies are so cute! I love the pic of HB. lol! So cute! And Rubie is definitely giving you the eye. :D Love your new start -- that's a pretty one! I can't wait to see Maddie Button!!!!! Can't wait! Sarah too for that matter. I love it when all the mistakes are corrected myself. I'm only a sampler purist in the sense of keeping true to the spirit of the sampler, not to have every stitch be the same. Corrections are greatly appreciated!

robindefender said...

Cute doggies! The sampler you're working on looks beautiful.

Concerning samplers, I like to keep some the errors in... they add such wonderful personality. But sometimes, cleaning it up... or picking a non-hideous color, is also a great idea. And sometimes I can't help evening things up myself.

Glenna said...

What lovely sweet dogs! Your question: I'm not a purist, and I think your taste is impeccable, so whatever you'd prefer to do for yourself is what I would want to stitch.

sampler lover said...

Hi Tanya, That is funny with your seasons. Winter for us started on the 1st of June. Whatever the season is, it all ways starts on the 1st of every 3 months.
Oooh love this one. Haven't seen it before. It should look lovely with your other samplers. I am also looking forward to seeing your new works. I am sure that they are going to be absolutely stunning. - Sandra.

Gabi said...

Your fur babies are just adorable.
LOVE your sampler. It looks gorgeous. Looking very much forward to see the new chart.

Melissa said...

I like your current project - I've never seen it before! The "puppies" look very sweet.

Looking forward to seeing your new designs! ...and I'm not a sampler purist at all and I do what makes me happy when stitching...

Siobhán said...

I echo what Glenna said. Truthfully, once I start stitching something, I go by the chart and rarely look back at the chart pic, so I'm only aware of things being straightened up or whatever if somebody else points it out. Do what works best for you & others will adjust or not care!

The pups look like they have the right idea with that heat!! Here it is a sizzling 58 and I just got caught in a downpour, walking to the vet's office, but it's bright and sunny out again.

Love your progress on Do Unto Others!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics of the squatters!! You are so lucky to have three sweet looking babies! I am not a sampler purist. I seem to make my own mistakes so don't feel obligated to make theirs too!! I like to change a color(s) or add something extra to make the sampler truly mine. I agree with Marly, too, about the border so if the border on the original sampler is off a bit, I straighten it up. Looking forward to seeing your new designs!! Stay cool, girlfriend!! Hugs to you - kelley

Natalia said...

LOL, Tanya!!! I didn't know about planes not being able to take off in the heat and I live with a pilot !!! So don't feel bad...
I love Do Unto Others... I had not seen it before.
Doggies look so cute !!! Oh that heat must be hard on them.
I look forward to Sarah Elizabeth Brook !!

Daniela said...

Love your new start on Do Unto Others. It's truly a beautiful design.
I am very anxious to see your new design.
I haven't stitched any reproduction sampler yet, thou I do have the charts of two German Biedermeier sampler in my stash. I should give it a try.

Dona said...

The squatters look very content in their spots! You're lucky they leave room for you!

I like Do Unto Others and the red alphabet is perfect for you.

I'm not a purist either. I think you should stitch it however it calls to you to be stitched. I look to forward to seeing it though!

Katrina said...

Oh the puppies are too sweet!!! Wow your weather is crazy hot, you can have that, LOL.

Gorgeous new project, love her pieces.

woolwoman said...

the boston babes are soooo cute - I wish we could get one. Love you new sampler start - Way too hot for June - I agree - stay cool and enjoy your weekend - melody

Karoline said...

Lovely new start, hope you make good progress on your new designs.

Love the photo's of the dogs

Brigitte said...

Oh, that's a great new start. I also have this chart, it was once given to me by a very nice stitcher, but I still haven't started on it. But will do soon.

Faye said...

Okay Tanya, You are tempting us talking about Sarah Brook~~ Cannot wait to see it! I LOVE samplers and consider myself to be a purist...Imagine now adays asking a 8,9,10 yr old to sit and stitch a sampler....Lord knows what they would come up with! Btw, I find myself visiting your blog quite a bit to find inspiration...Your works are truly inspiring..Keep up the great work~~ Always, Faye