This project has been a labor of love for me. I first saw Jane in the Summer 2010 issue of Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly. I immediately wanted to stitch her, so I volunteered to stitch the model. Little did I know that it would lead me to collaborating with Vickie Jennett, who owns the antique, in reproducing this wonderful sampler. The original Jane spent the summer with me while I charted and stitched. I become very curious about this twelve year old girl. I would find myself sitting and staring at her sampler and wondering...always wondering what she was like. Hers was stitched on canvas with wool, and she had the most unusual way of using a variety of greens for the grass area. Was this her way of being creative or was she simply using what wool she had? I've stitched many samplers, but this one touched me like no others have. In an odd way, I felt a kinship with this young girl. When you stitch from a chart, the connection to the real thing is only through the cover photo. As I stitched, I constantly compared my sampler to Jane's. It was imperative that I stayed true to the original, while enjoying the linen and threads available today. I'd like to think that she would be pleased and happy to know that others will want to stitch and enjoy her sampler, these one hundred and forty-six years later.
Beautiful! I love the animals!
What a beautiful sampler! I understand the connection you had with Jane, I felt that same connection when I stitched John Foster (from a chart). I think that she is a must stitch for me!
I love it I always feel a connection when I am stitching repro samplers felt that way with Jane Longstreth...nice work...Donna
I can't wait to purchase my copy! I'm betting it will fly off the shelves. What a wonderful job you did!
What a beauty! I feel the same way when I work on Mary Wigham and Sarah Woodham- a kinship with them. I can't wait to get my hands on this one!
What a treat both for you and for us! It is just gorgeous, Tanya, and I'm so glad it'll be ready for us to stitch soon!
I'm sure you've now started on a new (&fun) path! More samplers to conquer! :-)
It must be awesome stitching side by side with the original. It's really difficult not to have a connection when you have to meet Jane everyday. What a great accomplishment!!
Its a lovely sampler - I am really looking forward to stitching it.
I love your write-up this - thanks for sharing.
It is really beautiful. I know you must be really attached to it. Don't you know Jane would be delighted to know her sampler is traveling to St. Charles?
Its a beautiful work of the heart for both Jane then and Tanya now. I'm sure the little girl Jane and the woman Jane were very similar, but I'm sure the adult Jane would be honored and filled with pride that her work was lovingly duplicated and treasured by you and other needlewomen of this century. Thank you Tanya for what you have done and preserved for the rest of us!
I can't wait to get my hands on this chart, Tanya! You did such a beautiful job reproducing it -- it's breathtaking! Thanks for sharing your feelings and your process on this sampler with us. I loved reading it!
So is a stitcher's quarter of fabric big enough for the piece? That's what I have for the confederate gray that I've heard you used. Hope it is!
Hi Tanya, what a lovely story. I think this sampler will always be special to you. I hope you are going to stitch another one for yourself. Another stunning sampler for your sheep wall lol. - Sandra.
What a fun experience you have had with this beautiful sampler!
Just beautiful. You did a wonderful job on this piece and yes, I think Jane would be very pleased.
What a beautiful sampler! I love it when I feel a special connection to the original stitcher when working on a repro of her sampler. I think Jane would be mighty pleased. :)
Jane is gorgeous, congratulations
Two words: Gor. Geous.
Seriously - it is beautiful, and will definitely be on my "to stitch" list!! YGG!!!
Because you do everything with such passion Tanya, I can understand why you so enjoyed reproducing it. Great job!!! Why do I get the feeling this will be the first of several?
Congratulations on your beautiful stitching of the model Tanya. It's a great sampler and it's so nice to see something live on to new generations.
All your works are beautiful!!!
I have added your Blog to my favourites, love to see more projects...
I live in St. Charles, MO and attended the Market. I fell in love with the Jane Tindall Sampler and had to buy the chart. I also bought the Sarah Woodham chart and am working on it right now. I'm still waiting on some threads for Jane. I love all the animals on it. I accidentally found your blog. It's neat.
Hope to see more of your work soon.
Jane is gorgeous! I am so glad that you had the opportunity to stitch alongside the original! This is a beautiful piece and I hope to add it to my stash very soon!
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