Monday, May 10, 2010

Moooving on.....

Ann Wragg is finally finished, I'm happy to say. I really enjoyed stitching her, but as always, I'm anxious to move on, or I should say mooove on. The Summer 2010 issue of Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly is by far my favorite one. I have found myself stitching more and more from this magazine, and this one does not disappoint. As a former farm girl, I saw this sampler and fell in love. I have to confess to having a kitchen decorated with cows many, many years ago, so stitching Isabella was a given. The most amazing part is that I was able to see the antique in person. The owner and author of the article, Vickie LoPiccolo Jennett, is a friend and lives nearby. It was a thrill for me to see all the antique samplers in her collection.

Oh, the frame is to die for, also.

I am stitching mine on 45ct. vintage Lentil from Lakeside. I love it. I can't put it down, and I'm not getting anything else done. I really need to pick up my paintbrush and finish some sets for some very patient ladies. I will, I promise.

I hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day. I certainly did. Saturday was spent with the family, and it was a great day. The four-legged kids surprised their Mom with an iPhone. Woohoo! I wonder how they knew I wanted one? I can't put it down either.


Margaret said...

Congrats on finishing Ann! She's so pretty! And Isabella -- ok, so I want to stitch her too. And here I thought I could resist, but all I need is to see what you're up to. Gorgeous!! Hope you're having fun with Isabella IP. lol!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Well darn, deleted my own post...I really need to pay more attention to which button I push!! LOL!

Sorry Tanya...just wanted to say how lovely Ann turned out, and I fell in love with Isabella too...wish I could get started on her as quickly as you have, but I am in the middle of three other WIPs and really need to finish at least one before I move on!


Glenna said...

Yay on Ann, and Isabella--yesssss! LOL about the Iphone--I'm picturing you holding the Iphone while you stitch.

Faye said...

Love the pieces you have done and are working on~~ Dont know which I like the best.....They are both beautiful~~

Unknown said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish! And what a lovely new start - I think this one is such fun.

What color is your iPhone and have you named her?

Just four more days of school and then I will have free time to stitch -hooray!

Have a great week, Tanya.

Laurie in Iowa said...

Congrats on your finish of Ann Wragg... love those sheepies with the long tails. I'm so glad you chose to stitch Isabella. I've added her to my ever growing list of samplers to stitch and I'm sure seeing your sampler will encourage me to move her ahead on the list.

samplerlover said...

Hi Tanya, Congratulations on finishing Ann. She is lovely and I love Isabella. Hopefully I can get my copy of the magazine today otherwise I will be ordering it. It looks like a wonderful edition. - Sandra.

Nicole said...

Ann turned out so pretty Tanya!! And your new start is beautiful. I can't wait to get my issue of SANQ! Definitely a must stitch - I love that red cow! :)

mainely stitching said...

I'll have to let my four legged babies know that they can give me gifts, too! LOL! Love your stitching - what a gorgeous project!!!

Loraine said...

What a great finish. I love the saying on this sampler!
Love the new magazine too. You are an amazing stitcher. I can't wait to have more that wishful thinking?

Melissa said...

How clever of the "pups" to get you an i-phone! Must have them train my kitties!

Congratulations on finishing Ann! I have ordered my SANQ latest issue but it will be awhile before I get it. Meanwhile I am enjoying seeing this new sampler!

Siobhán said...

Ann Wragg, she ain't no hag, especially now that you have her in the finished bag!

I know, SOOOOOOOO lame, but when I was reading your post that just came to me. Ahem. Can I post this under an assumed name? Hey, I know, Prudence typed this on her own. Yep, that's the story.

I can't wait to see more of your work on Isabella. I don't have that SANQ yet so enjoyed seeing the pic--it's going to be fabulous!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Ann is gorgeous :)
I love Isabella too, reminds me of home.

Katrina said...

What a fun birthday gift from you babies :-). Love Ann, congrats on the finish.

Isabella is absolutely gorgeous too, the colors are wonderful.

Cari said...

Congratulations on finishing Ann....she is BEAUTIFUL!! Simply fabulous job there! And I'm really happy with the last sampler issue...way too many fun designs this time! I'm happy to see your progress on Isabella...I'll be 'stalking' your progress for sure! Happy Stitching

Alice said...

Well done on finishing Ann. She looks great! Isabella Johnstone sure is unusual with the cow in the middle. I love the frame too.
Glad you like your iPhone. You are the second person I know that got an iPhone in the last three weeks.
I cannot get used to portable phones. I don't always want to be reached. I know they are so handy and all, but I am really scared that they are going to cook my brain and then of course that eye in the sky can follow you everywhere when you carry a portable. I have enough problems as it is. : )) Don't pay attention to me, just enjoy your iPhone.

Sherry said...

Congratulations on finishing Ann! How beautiful! I just subscribed to the magazine and got my issue yesterday. I love the farm look samplers! You will have so much with Isabella.

Karoline said...

Ann is gorgeous, congratulations. Nice start on Isabella

Deb said...

What a great finish Tanya! I really like that sampler a lot! She's lovely!!! And I love the new one that you're starting too. I haven't received my magazine yet, but I hope so soon. If you say there are great things in this issue then there must be. I'm always enabled by the samplers you stitch! I do have to give you credit for stitching on 45 ct! That would make me blind for sure.

And congrats on the IPhone too! I've been bugging DH for one, but we'd have to switch carriers and he doesn't want to do that. GRRR!!

K-G Knitter said...

Isabella is so pretty! Are you using the recommended threads?

(And I'm totally jealous of the iPhone. I bet that if I had one, I'd never put it down... maybe that's why DH hasn't gotten one for me yet.)

woolwoman said...

I've had my IPhone for almost a year and still finding things I did not know it would do - they're amazing but my bill did go up quite dramatically.

that siobhan - she is SO funny with her little ditty about Ann - who BTW is SO beautiful - I love that sampler.

Now Isabella might have found herself a fella by displaying that bovine so fine. LOL - enjoy Mel

MyLifesAStitch said...

Yay you on the Ann finish! She is beautiful! I love your new start too! Best non cutesy cow ever, I think. :) I may need to pick up that issue myself... cuz you know, I don't have nearly enough charts that I may never get to stitching, lol! Have a great weekend!

Brigitte said...

Congratulations on finishing Ann! A great sampler. I'm a bit the same when a piece is near the finishing line. I can't get it finished fast enough because I absolutely want to start something new. And sometimes the urge is so big that I abandon the nearly finished piece, lol.
Your new choice is so pretty. Enjoy stitching it.

Michelle said...

Gorgeous finish on Ann!!! And I am so glad to see you starting on Isabella. I've got to stitch her too...she's beautiful!

Bertie said...

Wonderful Tanya, Ann is gorgeous and congratulations.
I do also love the sampler with the cow, unusual.

Kellie said...

Ann looks wonderful, Tanya! Congratulations on such a beautiful finish. And you have another beautiful start. :) I love my iPhone too. I wish there were some sort of cross stitch apps for it, but so far I have yet to find any. I do like being able to access Google Reader and read blogs while I am out and about however. :)