Stitching bags! Who isn't thankful for the great variety of bags out there? When I started stitching back in the stone age, I think I must have carried my projects in Ziplocs. I couldn't have imagined that one day I'd have so many fun ones to choose from. The red and lime green mesh ones were found at Barnes and Noble, and while not actually marketed for stitching, they sure come in handy. I love the ones made out of the very cool sampler-like fabric. At a recent trip to the Attic, the teal colored one in the back was spotted. There were many different ones to choose from, all unique. Several of us were looking at them at the same time, and it was an absolute frenzy. It was really funny trying to get the one you fancied the most without being too pushy. There might have been an elbow or two thrown though. My friend, Natalia makes awesome stitching wallets. She has a great eye for selecting fabrics, and the construction is top notch, too.
This little tote came home from South Carolina with me. It's perfect for carrying my stitching out to the patio. I bought it from CJ's Creations, who was one of the vendors at the PALS retreat. They can be embroidered, and come in several colors. One of the neat things about this tote is that it collapses flat.
The model for Hannah Tingey 1823 is finished. I'm finalizing the chart, and she will be available the first week of December. I hope you like her.